Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Ahwazi Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike as Regime Continues Persecution

Dozens of families of Ahwazi Arab political prisoners have pleaded for support for their sons in Sheyban Prison in Ahwaz, who are staging a...

How Iran’s Regime Uses Floods and Drought as Tools of Ethnic Cleansing in Ahwaz

   In most countries prone to regular severe weather events such as heavy flooding, the governments take precautionary measures in vulnerable regions to at least...

Ahwaz in 2018: Anger and resilience in the face of Iranian brutality

  Ahwazi people continued to endure massive rights abuses in 2018 as the regime persisted in its efforts to crush all those demanding the most...

Demographic Change in Ahwaz Violates the International Norms and law

In the recently published UN report of the Special Rapporteur, the situation regarding human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) was discussed. It was...

While Europe rushes to protect Iran’s brutal regime, it continues killing innocents

  Iran’s security forces reportedly killed another young Ahwazi man on 30 December 2018, with regime gunmen fatally shooting 19-year-old Mehdi Sawari as he returned...

The Intertwined Nature of Workers’ Rights and Ahwazi Freedom

  Protests have erupted in Ahwaz over the past several months, especially in the labour sector. The protesters’ demands and chants are many and varied;...

Iran’s regime deploys conspiracy theories again to undermine freedom movement

  Faced with increasing numbers of protests and open revolt by the peoples it has long oppressed, Iran’s regime is once again turning to conspiracy...


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