Monday, February 17, 2025

Ahwazi Political Prisoners Face Worsening Conditions in Iran’s ‘Living Cemetery’ Prisons”

  According to recent testimonies from released Ahwazi prisoners, conditions in prisons like Sheiban have significantly deteriorated in recent months. These prisoners describe their facilities...

Ahwazi prisoner Hani Albushahbazi Executed: The Persecution of Ahwazi Arabs Continues

 Amidst the heightened attention given by the international community, human rights organisations, and global media to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the dark clouds of injustice...

Ahwazi Arabs Protest at Iran’s Sugarcane Companies’ Racist Employment Policies and Ecocide

Ahwazis from rural areas of the Ahwaz region held a demonstration on 8 August 2023 outside the offices of the Iranian regime’s state-run Dabal...

State neglect and ethnic oppression lead to rising suicide rate among young Ahwazis

Reports received by Ahwazi human rights groups indicate that an Ahwazi Arab young man, Tariq Khalidi, 27 years old, who worked as a security...

Amnesty report: Six more Ahwazis sentenced to death as Iran accelerates executions of ethnic minorities

A new report from Amnesty International confirms that Iran’s regime sentenced six Ahwazi men to death on 14 February as it escalates its murderous...

Iranian police forces kill a young Ahwazi man by shooting him in the head

 A young Ahwazi Arab man was killed by Iranian regime police, who shot him in the head, in the regional capital, Ahwaz, on Wednesday,...

IRGC Inclusion on Terror List: Key Demands of Iran’s Non-Persian Peoples at Brussels Protest

 Ahwazis reiterate solidarity with the struggle of all Iran’s national ethnic minorities and peoples opposing injustice, and call for IRGC to be classified as...


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