Tuesday, October 22, 2024


State neglect and ethnic oppression lead to rising suicide rate among young Ahwazis

Reports received by Ahwazi human rights groups indicate that an Ahwazi Arab young man, Tariq Khalidi, 27 years old, who worked as a security guard...

Ahwazi Arabs Face Ongoing Land Confiscation by Iranian State

  Howeyzeh, Ahwaz Region — In a significant and internationally ignored development last week, Majid Nabi Pour, the head of the Ahwaz Agricultural Organisation, announced...

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Zara Mary Chassib Jaber: English actress and Ahwazi Princess

The regal connection of a very British-sounding actress to...

 As Protests Escalate, Iran’s Ethnic Minorities Fight Multifaceted Oppression, Racism and Propaganda

Ethnic Minorities are Facing Massacres in the Iran Protests    As...


Ahwazi Arabs Face Ongoing Land Confiscation by Iranian State

  Howeyzeh, Ahwaz Region — In a significant and internationally ignored development last week, Majid Nabi Pour, the head...

Ahwazi Political Prisoners Face Worsening Conditions in Iran’s ‘Living Cemetery’ Prisons”

  According to recent testimonies from released Ahwazi prisoners, conditions in prisons like Sheiban have significantly deteriorated in recent...



Devastation of Ahwaz’s Hawizeh Wetland: Iranian Colonialism and its Environmental Injustice

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiOF4uTbv0E    The Hawizeh wetland, located in Ahwaz in the southwest of Iran, is currently devastated by man-made drought due to damming on rivers...


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Ahwazi identity: between the past, and future

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In Ahwaz, buffaloes and people face a wretched slow extinction

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Enforcing Human Rights Treaties in Iran

Introduction This article is intended to provide an understanding of the Iranian state’s international human rights obligations towards individuals and groups living under Iranian jurisdiction....

The Sovereignty of Ahwaz Prior to its Occupation by Persia in 1925

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Iran’s racial discrimination against Ahwazis through the eyes of international organisations

In the wake of World War Two, the field of international human rights law developed rapidly, beginning with the adoption of the United Nations’...

Iran violates Ahwazi rights: Concluding observations of the HRC

Introduction The United Nations’ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR, 1966), the second international human rights treaty to be signed by Iran, on...


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